미국변호사-Business Associations
진도별 학습
- Agency
- Partnerships
- Corporations
- Corporations-1
- Insider Duties
- Case Brief
- Topic_Agency relationships
- Topic_Power of agent to bind principal
- Topic_Vicarious liability of principal for acts of agent
- Topic_Fiduciary duties between principal and agent
- Topic_Creation of partnerships
- Topic_Power and liability of partners
- Topic_Rights of partners among themselves
- Topic_Dissolution
- Topic_Special rules concerning limited partnerships
- Topic_Formation of organizations
- Topic_Pre-organization transactions
- Topic_Piercing the veil
- Topic_Financing the organization
- Topic_Management and control
- Topic_Fiduciary duties
- Topic_Close corporations and special control devices
- Topic_Organizational structure including relationships between parents and subsidiaries
- Topic_Shareholder and member litigation: direct, derivative, and class litigation
- 틀린 문제 확인문제풀이